15 mai 2012

comentar(iile)iul zilei

Interpreting Shari’a — www.guernicamag.com — Readability-125901

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IamA Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist.   IAmA-114732

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Ca bonus, puteţi să citiţi şi articolul din Slate despre recesiune pe-nţelesul unui copil de 5 ani (mă rog, în jur de 5 ani).

If you think this is a silly story, a waste of your time, shame on you. What the Capitol Hill Baby-Sitting Co-op experienced was a real recession. Its story tells you more about what economic slumps are and why they happen than you will get from reading 500 pages of William Greider and a year's worth of Wall Street Journal editorials. And if you are willing to really wrap your mind around the co-op's story, to play with it and draw out its implications, it will change the way you think about the world.

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